Sunday, December 16, 2007

Happy Helmet Day!

Yesterday maybe 3 out of 100 motorbike drivers I saw was wearing a helmet. Today it was more like 97 out of 100. Pretty crazy. I knew that a helmet law was coming about, I just thought no one was actually going to follow through.
It was a bit surreal really. It's like going to the mall and seeing the herds all wearing mittens for some reason. My theory is that people will just drive more dangerously to compensate for the added safety of the helmet. The most reassuring thing is that the children and babies are wearing helmets now too. When people ride with toddlers, the kids often just stand on the seat between mom and dad... at least they're in helmets now.


Wyatt said...

But where did the helmets come from? If only I were a Vietnamese helmet manufacturer.

Brittany said...

the little kid on the helmet poster looks angry. maybe because it has to wear a helmet now....